Convoso Blog

Outbound contact center trends for sales and lead generation teams. Get tips, solutions, and strategies focused on campaign productivity, agent performance, manager efficiency, data analytics, call center profitability, AI, and industry compliance issues.
Call Labeling: How It Works + How to Handle Flagged Numbers

Unwanted calls continue to flood the telecommunication industry, and efforts to protect consumers have intensified, leading to more calls being labeled as “Spam Risk” or “Scam Likely.”  If your business …

Call Labeling: How It Works + How to Handle Flagged Numbers Read More »

Customer Spotlight: One Health Direct Launches Genesis, a CRM Tailor-Made for Patients & Healthcare Providers

The healthcare system is full of complexities, hurdles, and outright roadblocks for both patients and providers. With its new operational CRM system, Genesis, Convoso customer One Health Direct (OHD) aims …

Customer Spotlight: One Health Direct Launches Genesis, a CRM Tailor-Made for Patients & Healthcare Providers Read More »

Why Are Your Outbound Conversion Rates So Low? What to Do to Improve Your Sales Conversions

Leads that don’t convert are leads that don’t grow your business. They’re a costly investment without any return. Falling conversion rates should set off alarm bells for any lead gen …

Why Are Your Outbound Conversion Rates So Low? What to Do to Improve Your Sales Conversions Read More »

Call Center ROI Calculator: One Key Metric to Understand Performance

In the modern call center, every second counts. Each action—and interaction—unfolding across the entire organization adds up to profit, loss, and the potential for growth. To spur the right kind …

Call Center ROI Calculator: One Key Metric to Understand Performance Read More »

Call Center Acronyms: A Complete Guide

There’s no end to the alphabet soup in the world of contact centers. Whether you work in sales or service, this handy guide to call center acronyms will help you …

Call Center Acronyms: A Complete Guide Read More »

Call Whisper: What It Is and Why Your Call Center Agents Need It

Delivering a successful sales pitch or top-notch service over the phone is no simple achievement. Holding effective sales conversations is part art, part science. And even the most naturally talented …

Call Whisper: What It Is and Why Your Call Center Agents Need It Read More »

Maximizing Your Contact Center Profits: 10 Best Practices for Your Best Year Yet

If you’re running an outbound sales or lead gen team, you’ve got your sights on ways to kick up your contact center’s profits. But making sure your whole organization is …

Maximizing Your Contact Center Profits: 10 Best Practices for Your Best Year Yet Read More »

Managing the 3 Biggest Costs for Your Outbound Call Center to Increase Profitability

Managing and reducing costs for your outbound call center seems like a business fundamental. But as an owner or manager, you have a lot to juggle—from hiring and training to …

Managing the 3 Biggest Costs for Your Outbound Call Center to Increase Profitability Read More »

Revenue Up 30%, Costs Down 60% After Insurance Agency Converts to Convoso’s Powerful Dialer

Convoso is in the business of helping companies grow by reaching more leads, faster. When we get to chat with customers experiencing dramatic improvements to productivity and revenue after switching …

Revenue Up 30%, Costs Down 60% After Insurance Agency Converts to Convoso’s Powerful Dialer Read More »

Contact Center Performance Management: How to Get the Most Out of Your Teams, Tools, and Processes

Between Scam Likely call labeling and disappointing contact rates, costly agent turnover and growing restrictions of TCPA compliance, today’s contact center leaders have more than their fair share of things …

Contact Center Performance Management: How to Get the Most Out of Your Teams, Tools, and Processes Read More »

Answering Machine Detection: How Speed and Accuracy Boost Contact Rates for Call Centers

As an outbound call center manager, you rely on your team of sales and lead gen agents getting into a rhythm over their day of calling. Your dialer software is …

Answering Machine Detection: How Speed and Accuracy Boost Contact Rates for Call Centers Read More »

The Five Biggest B2B Lead Generation Challenges

Ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels when it comes to lead generation? You’ve hired smart people, you’ve gathered and crunched data, and you’re motivating your team to generate as …

The Five Biggest B2B Lead Generation Challenges Read More »

How to Succeed as an Outbound Sales Agent: 5 Steps & Skills for Success

Understanding what it takes to thrive in outbound sales can help you overcome challenges and give you a serious leg-up on the competition. What is an Outbound Sales Agent? Outbound …

How to Succeed as an Outbound Sales Agent: 5 Steps & Skills for Success Read More »

How to Call Warm Leads: Tips and Scripts for Closing Warm Calls

What sales person doesn’t prefer a call with a warm lead to a cold call?  (okay, there’s always somebody)  A warm lead is more likely to buy, or at least …

How to Call Warm Leads: Tips and Scripts for Closing Warm Calls Read More »

Setting Up Successful Outbound Call Campaigns: Best Practices for Sales and Lead Gen Dialing

Calling leads and driving conversions at a high clip is no walk in the park. Success in phone sales and lead gen requires careful planning and confident execution. Not to …

Setting Up Successful Outbound Call Campaigns: Best Practices for Sales and Lead Gen Dialing Read More »

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