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A strong support system enables contact centers to get the most value from the platform and drive efficiencies that improve ROI for their companies.

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Convoso's Predictive Dialer Can Boost Your Contact Rates by up to 3X

Customer Success Stories and Testimonials

We decided to make the switch to Convoso when we recognized that we needed more. We switched when we had so many leads sitting and not being called. We switched because we had call center agents' constantly turnover and we needed better productivity.”

Aaron Culbertson
Executive VP
HomeCraft Gutter Protection
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We're pacing to more than double our calls revenue from $15 million to $33+ million this year. Convoso's industry-leading outbound contact center platform and its dedicated team of professionals are significant contributors to this growth. Performance and productivity are up. And since our agents are increasing sales, morale is way up, and turnover is way down.

Brian Roulstone

SVP Call Operations, Smart Financial

If you are looking for a dialer, look no further - call Convoso today. Convoso's platform is very top notch. They are keeping up faster than any other dialing platform when it comes to current market conditions. Our company uses it with 100+ seats every day and we are happy to be partners. The customer service is second to none...It has allowed us to produce higher contact rates which then in turn lead to higher conversion.

Tony Furr

VP of Sales and Business Development

It was like going from a Ford to a Mercedes. When we switched over to Convoso, we had a complete transformation in terms of the efficiency and connections. Our wait times dropped and our contact rates increased... Before, we were seeing an average of 2 to 3% conversion, but once we switched to Convoso, our conversion rate averaged between 8 to 12%.

Diego C.

Call Center Ops Mgr, Digital Market Media
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The predictive settings in Convoso just beat everybody else, hands down. They have the best connection rate that's out there on the market right now...Convoso is going to work for you because it connects. The whole goal of why we want to use Convoso: Connect to convert.

Tisa Daniels

Catalyst, C Squared Consulting
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We tested a variety of platforms and we went with Convoso because we found that some of the other platforms didn't have the level of customer service or availability to troubleshoot issues..., [or] the automation and reporting that we found in Convoso. Convoso is a great platform and outside of their technology, they're also a great team.

Gabe Bletnitsky

CEO & Founder, Call Trader
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Convoso is a great system, great customer support, great caller ID management system... It's a contact sport - the more people you talk to, the more people you convert. We consistently rely on Convoso to help us make those get a higher contact rate... It's really been instrumental in helping us grow. We think everyone should look into it and do a demo, and I think you'll be just as happy as we are.

David Stodolak

President, Solar Direct Marketing
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When we moved to Convoso, the metrics changed immediately. It was literally like hitting a light switch. Our business is definitely reaping the rewards: We're making a tremendous amount more in sales, we're dialing significantly less data than before, and our connection rate has increased 400%.

David Zamani

Managing Partner, Get Health-e
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We noticed this major rise in connectivity. So, you can't sell someone, you can't talk to. And when we were able to talk to 300% more people, we were able to increase our sales by that amount. Without Convoso we would not be able to rapidly scale our business.

Heather Griffin

Co-CEO & President, Colossus
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With Convoso, I can see how many numbers are labeled as Spam Likely and quickly replace them...These days, we cannot waste time; we need to move fast. Convoso does a lot of things for us automatically to save us time and money.

Douglas Salmaso

Sales Success Manager, Solarna

Convoso is a really, really good system.  It’s the Ferrari of the dialers. We’re really happy with the Convoso dialer. So happy, in fact, that I’ll be recommending it to other clients as well!

Chris Meneses

Consultant to mortgage lending company
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Convoso has been such a game changer for us. We have the same exact data, pretty much the same agents – nothing has changed really except for the dialer. And our sales have gone up about a third... Agent-wise they love it – the morale and the energy in the room is just better than it's ever been.

Jesse Daniels

Vice President of Sales, One Health Direct
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The thing I’ve loved about Convoso through the years I've been working with them is all the features. I love the answering machine detection. The API integration is really really great. But mostly, it's the people.

Anonymous Reviewer (AMD)

Large financial services lead gen company

I have used many dialers – they do not compare to Convoso.  Their customer support and reps are the best to work with. Their customer support, customer success and my account executive were there every step of the way to get my dialer running exactly how I needed it!

George Ferger

Review via Google

Convoso gets my company on the phone with data leads quicker and more consistently than all the other dialers out there. Also, it has virtually unlimited ability to generate reporting about any user data you may need. Tech Support is easily accessible and highly competent. Issues are resolved efficiently and with a smile!

Ryan Chadderton

General Manager, NumberOneHealth

An easy to use software that seems to do it all. After switching to Convoso, our contact rate to our leads shot up exponentially and in turn we started making much more revenue in sales. The software has so many functions that sometimes it is hard to know what it all does. Thanks to an amazing CSM and support team, any question that I have is answered very quickly.  

Carter Bass

IT Administrator, Preferred Guest Resorts

I always say that you’re only as good as your team. And I feel like Convoso is, in essence, a critical part of our team. You need a good dialer, you need good lead vendors. Everything together – the team, the dialer, the lead vendors – makes everything good.  

Tiffanie Gonzalez

Owner, Top Healthcare Options
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Convoso has a superior product. First off, from the software’s ease of use, including navigation, learning, and even the tutorial videos for management. Second, the customer friendliness - anything you need, they are there to walk you through it, apply it for you if you need, and give you an explanation on how to do it yourself. Third, the platform runs smoothly, and offers lots of features. Convoso adapts to your business instead of your business adapting to it.

Melvin Merritt

Call Center Director
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Our lead to transfer rate has increased steadily from 2% to 8% since starting with Convoso. When you’re talking about hundreds of thousands of leads, that’s a huge increase.

Tom Carolan

Founder and Owner, Digital Market Media
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The single best asset for us has been Convoso’s Power Dialer. It has allowed us to slash wait times between calls. My reps now have two to three times the number of conversations they used to, and it’s made a significant impact on our bottom line.

Mike Kelly

Sales Manager, Insurance Line One
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An average day used to be 150-200 conversions. Now, with Convoso, 350 conversions is our new average.

Mike Velardi

SVP, Resource Marketing Corp.
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Reach more leads faster and skyrocket your sales team's revenue

Learn how you can 3x contact rates

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