Convoso is the Ferrari of Dialers for Mortgage Outbound Call Center

This customer story comes to us from the perspective of the consultant hired to get a mortgage lending outbound call center up and running. His client became our customer.

The Convoso dialer was new to Chris Meneses when he began working with his mortgage lending client. But since they knew about Convoso’s outbound dialing capabilities, they asked him to check it out.

As a freelance CIO, Chris focuses on helping companies improve their lead conversion.  “People come to me through my website because of onboarding and implementing the CRM. Most of them have good customer service. They just don’t know what to do in terms of the sales process and the pipelines.”

So, when this financial sector company began moving forward on developing an outbound sales division, they reached out to Chris to help run their tech stack, which now includes the Convoso outbound call center software, a mortgage-focused CRM, and an IVR for inbound calls to branches. 

Chris told us he had initially suggested they use PhoneBurner. “But PhoneBurner is a power dialer –  they don’t have a predictive dialer.” And with the volume of mortgage lending leads Chris’s client wanted to contact, he knew Convoso’s predictive dialer software was a better fit for some of his client’s outbound campaigns. 

“Convoso is a really, really good system.  It’s the Ferrari of the dialers.”


The right dialer solution for growth 

Chris describes the lending company as “very hungry and progressing. I definitely see them expanding.”  The advantage of the Convoso dialer solution for companies with this kind of growth projection is its dynamic ability to scale and hit a bunch of leads at once. 

For large volume outbound call centers, the Convoso solution is a great fit. As Chris says, “The value proposition is you get to cast a big net every day.”

“Clients come to me because they’re still sitting on a lot of leads and we strategize ways to get through them, cold calling being my favorite one. But that’s heavily relying upon the people making the calls and having a good system as well.”

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To meet their growth goals, Chris says they’re constantly hiring new people and training them. Which is one place he comes in, helping with onboarding and showing them how to use the predictive dialer.

The mortgage lender uses Convoso for outbound prospecting – cold calling leads which are then transferred to a licensed agent to close the deal. Chris says it takes about 100 calls to get one that wants to move forward and talk to a closer.



Rich suite of tools to improve performance

As a techie, Chris loves learning about all the features and capabilities Convoso has to offer. He said it’s more than like a car dashboard. “You feel like you’re in a spaceship with all these buttons. So I like it. I like it a lot.”

One feature he’s found a lot of success with is Convoso’s Smart Voicemail Drop which creates a strategic voicemail cadence with customized voicemails. “We definitely had an increase in callbacks – when we turned on the voicemail drops, there were so many more callbacks.” 

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From great support comes great progress

Getting up to speed on optimizing the Convoso dialer for his client was essential for the job Chris was hired to do. For all this, Chris gave a big shoutout to Convoso’s implementation and support team.

“The support team is great. Very competent – they’re very good at explaining and walking me through things.”

Chris is still discovering new features, digging into call center KPIs with the extensive real time reporting capabilities to more strategically manage outbound campaigns, and onboarding new agents.  

“We’re happy with the Convoso dialer. So happy, in fact, that I’ll be recommending it to other clients as well.”

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