Intro and Audience Poll – 0:00
Convoso VP of Marketing, Lisa Leight, introduces the topic of this solar industry webinar along with her co-hosts: Ruben Ugarte, National Sales Director at ActiveProspect, and Jay Choi, Enterprise Account Executive with Aurora Solar. Plus, audience members took part in a poll about the biggest frustrations they face with their current dialer software.
Solar Industry Trends – 4:52
The bulk of the discussion was spent analyzing the latest trends in the solar industry and their influence on the complete solar sales process. Here, Lisa Leight kicks off the discussion.
Trend #1: Effects of the Inflation Reduction Act – 5:19
The 2022 passing of the Inflation Reduction Act has driven incredible growth and spurred even more activity in the solar market. Ruben Ugarte and Jay Choi discuss the granular details of this growth and look ahead to the future of the market in a “post-IRA” world.
Trend #2: Increasing Acquisition Costs – 10:30
Despite the tailwinds propelling growth in the market, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows for solar. Increasing acquisition costs continue to be a challenge for many organizations. The panel offer their thoughts on what’s behind these increases and their effects on market dynamics.
Trend #3: Increased Competition – 15:45
With many more businesses—including non-solar brands— drawn to the many opportunities in this attractive market, increased competition is now a potential threat to every solar organization.
Trend #4: Changing Personalization Expectations – 24:16
It’s not just the composition of the market that’s evolving. More and more, consumers are expecting personalized sales experiences—and are frustrated when they don’t find them. The panel discusses the far-reaching implications of this trend.
Trend #5: Increasing Regulations – 32:20
Just as expectations among consumers are changing quickly, so too are expectations from regulators across the country. Both state and federal regulations continue to shape the playing field for lead generators and solar sales teams. The panel covers issues including STIR/SHAKEN, the rise of state-level “mini-TCPA” laws, California’s NEM 3.0, and more.
Where Does Your Solar Tech Stack Come Into Play? – 39:59
Automated and interconnected technologies are essential to growing your solar business in today’s environment. The panel looks at the solutions you need to support your success throughout your sales funnel.
Aurora’s LeadCapture AI 45:45 Jay Choi walks through the capabilities of Aurora’s LeadCapture AI, which delivers an innovative, personalized (and 3D) customer experience to boost conversions, cut acquisition costs, improve lead quality, and more.
Wrap-Up – 48:28
The panel discusses exciting—and informative—upcoming events and wraps up the webinar.