Convoso Contact-Center-Compliance-News

November 1, 2022 officially launches Oklahoma into the orbit of states enacting their own legislation for “telephone solicitation” known colloquially in the industry as mini-TCPA’s. Apparently Oklahoma leads the pack in clamping down with the strictest state laws in their “Oklahoma Telephone Solicitation Act.” But according to TCPAWorld Czar Eric Troutman, this OK state law is NOT okay.

In May of this year, Troutman warned marketers about the bill noting, “The law tracks the Florida Mini TCPA – the toughest anti-robocall bill in the nation.” 

Troutman Firm recommends awareness of these key aspects of the new Oklahoma law:

    • Restricts the time in which consumers can be contact to 8 AM to 8 PM, this is more restrictive than the TCPA.
    • Limits the number of calls/texts a consumer can receive in a 24-hours period to three on the same subject or issue.
    • Private right of action with each found willful violation collection up to $1,500 per call/text.
    • Expands upon the definition of an auto-dialer, and specifically calls out the prohibited use of an” automated system for the selection or dialing of telephone numbers” without the consumer’s prior express written consent.


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