Convoso in the Media

Convoso CEO and Co-Founder Nima Hakimi joined Joey Liner, veteran of the performance marketing industry and Founder of Liner Connections, for a recent episode of his One Liners podcast.

In an expansive conversation, the pair dug into Hakimi’s background and journey as an entrepreneur, including Convoso’s origins in a favor for a family member and its emergence as a leading dialer in the performance marketing space, as well as what’s next for the performance marketing industry.

We’ve pulled together some of the choice moments for the podcast for you to enjoy below—but the full episode is also well worth a listen.

On Rebuilding the Convoso Platform from the Ground Up

Discussing what drove them to rebuild their platform and ultimately relaunch it as Convoso, back in 2016, Hakimi said the focus was on delivering not just stability, but stability at scale:

“Dialing with 10 agents versus 50, 100, 200, 500 is a whole different ball game. [The focus] was really on the ability to perfect the dialing algorithm…perfecting the system, making sure that every single lead being dialed goes through, making sure the carrier quality is good. There’s a lot of pieces to it, but it was really all about the engine that makes a dialer.” 

Convoso vs. Five9: What Sets the Two Platforms Apart

Liner asked Hakimi to discuss what differentiates Convoso’s dialer software from a platform like Five9. In response, Hakimi described three key differences:

1. A difference of focus: 

“They’re a great company, it’s just that they focus on customer service call centers. And what that means is we proactively solve pain points in the performance marketing industry. For example, we were the first company that provided a proprietary solution for managing caller IDs…We were the first to do that because we knew that there was a problem that was coming. 

It’s the same thing with state ‘mini-TCPA’ rules, where we have built an engine, StateTracker™, where you can set rules of how many calls per day per state.”

2. A dedication to delivering the highest contact rates:

“We provide the highest contact rate in the industry, and we do that because of the dialing algorithm. The way [Convoso] dials is very different than most styles out there, and we have better answering machine detection.”

3. A commitment to top-notch service and supporting client success:

“We take the white-glove approach, where we have teams that specialize in certain areas, from your salesperson to your implementation team, to your customer success manager, that proactively monitors your account, your contact rate, and other KPIs to ensure success. It’s a hands-on approach to ensure that our customers are successful, and that’s not something you see at Five9.”

The vision for

Liner and Hakimi’s conversation also turned toward the future, in which Convoso’s innovative conversational AI SMS and voice solution,, is sure to play a big part. Hakimi shared his vision of what can do for performance marketing teams:

“Our vision is really to power conversations at scale using self-learning AI. This first step for is to have our virtual agent take over as much of the mundane and repetitive parts of a conversation so that the human agent will only need to focus on the more complicated and important parts of the customer journey.”

Listen to the rest of this great conversation

Liner and Hakimi packed quite a bit into this podcast. Listeners can hear everything from personal stories to insights on:

Watch the full episode of One Liners here. 

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