How to handle TCPA Regulations & More


Introductions – 0:00

Convoso’s Nima Hakimi kicks off the webinar’s topic of TCPA compliance and lead fraud, before introducing the expert guests: Eric Troutman, Czar of and Founder of the Troutman Firm, and Rich Kahn, CEO & Co-Founder of Anura Solutions.

TCPA Updates: What’s Going On? – 5:38

Eric Troutman sets the stage for the day’s topic by discussing the dynamics of litigation under the TCPA, which he describes as the “biggest litigation cash cow in our country’s history.”

Lead Fraud: The #1 Driver of Litigations – 9:33

Lead fraud is currently the #1 driver of class-action suits under the TCPA, according to Troutman. Here, he discusses why that’s the case and why these suits pose such huge risks for today’s contact centers.

What Does the TCPA Regulate? – 17:06

Taking a step back, Troutman discusses the main aspects of TCPA regulations that should concern contact center owners and operators.

Ad Fraud: Additional Risks and How It’s Detected – 21:20

Rich Kahn goes deeper into the issues of ad and lead fraud, discussing the various forms that lead fraud can take across a variety of sources and channels.

What to Ask Your Vendors About Fraud – 31:59

The group discusses the conversations that lead buyers need to have with the vendors in order to help protect themselves from the risks of lead fraud.

Calling Practices: How to Stay TCPA Compliant While Dialing – 36:42

Nima Hakimi breaks down the outbound calling best practices that contact centers need to support TCPA compliance and boost their performance.

Q&A and Wrap Up – 45:55

The panel fields questions from the audience and provides their overall thoughts on the state of the industry and compliance as they conclude the webinar.

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