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Outbound Sales Compliance Tips & Best Practices for Today’s Landscape | Webinar

Fast-moving changes in regulations can create hurdles for outbound sales and lead gen teams. How do you support compliance while delivering the results you need to grow? What outbound calling best practices should you focus on?

To help put it all straight, we assembled a panel of experts to share their insights on “Outbound Sales Compliance Tips & Best Practices for Today's Landscape” from their separate perspectives. Convoso CEO Nima Hakimi joined attorney and compliance expert Michelle Shuster of MacMurray & Shuster, LLP; Marc Bernstein, CEO and Founder of Balto; Yung Chung, Director of Sales at ActiveProspect; and Benjamin Farrar, Director of Privacy & Security at ActiveProspect.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this page, and related links, is provided for general education purposes only and is not legal advice. Convoso does not guarantee the accuracy or appropriateness of this information to your situation. You are solely responsible for using Convoso’s services in a legally compliant way and should consult your legal counsel for compliance advice. Any quotes are solely the views of the quoted person and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Convoso.

Sept 2021 panel on Outbound Sales Compliance Tips & Best Practices

Webinar Summary and Timestamps

Find a summary of what the panel covered regarding compliance best practices in the recap below, and use the timestamps to watch the webinar video and dig deeper.

1 - Introduction - 2:18

Meet this webinar's panel of experts and get an overview of the topics that will be discussed. Plus, hear about the state of compliance for our audience members as they take part in a live poll.

2 - TCPA Updates and Use Cases - 10:55

In the industries we’re involved in, it’s not a matter of if we have questions raised about compliance, it’s a matter of when.”  That’s why, Shuster said, businesses must take proactive steps to stay on top of changes in the TCPA compliance landscape.

One crucial change covered in the webinar is the Facebook v. Duguid ruling from earlier in 2021, which Shuster says has created a little bit of confusion in the industry. The good news, according to Shuster, is that the ruling narrowed the definition of a so-called “automatic telephone dialing system” (ATDS). This means many outbound call centers will be held to less stringent requirements around prior express written consent.

Still, there are a number of TCPA compliance considerations that did not go away with the ruling. For instance, pre-recorded messages still require consent. Tune in to the webinar to hear Shuster detail how call centers can establish well-documented, defendable positions on these issues and others. Plus, get Benjamin Farrar’s perspective as a compliance officer on these issues and more.

[TCPA compliance] is not a cruise control area,” said Farrar. “It really takes some company attention and focus. And that's a plug to make sure you have knowledgeable compliance, staffing, and budgeting considerations in this space to watch it closely.

ActiveProspect and TrustedForm can work as a foundational part of this TCPA compliance infrastructure. In the webinar, Yung Chung illustrates how TrustedForm works like the “Carfax for leads.” “TrustedForm answers the who, what, when, and where of every consent event,” Chung said.

As the highest standard of proof available, TrustedForm is an essential part of any compliance tool kit. Watch this section of the webinar to see how TrustedForm records consent actions and keeps them at the ready, making it easy to prove consent.

4 - Tips & Outbound Calling Best Practices - 25:32

Once you have compliant leads, you still need to practice compliant dialing.

According to Convoso’s Nima Hakimi, your choice of dialer is key in this. “You want to have technology that's capable of keeping you compliant in this ever-evolving space. There's a lot of technology and a lot of dialers out there that do [many different] things, but you want to make sure you're working with one that's proactive around what's happening with the changes [in compliance], and it can dynamically change itself, in terms of being able to meet those requirements.”

What kinds of features should you look for in a dialer? Watch this segment in the webinar to find out. Hakimi explores outbound calling best practices like responsible outreach strategies, caller ID reputation management, and much more.

5 - How to Maintain In-Call Compliance - 38:20

Marc Bernstein of Balto, an AI-powered tool that provides real-time guidance to call center agents, discusses the impact of in-call compliance. “What happens in the call is just as important as what happens before and what happens after,” he said. Giving a tour of Balto’s capabilities, Bernstein illustrates how call centers can ensure compliance on every call by:

  • Preventing slip-ups during the call

  • Knowing how to fix mistakes before the call ends

  • Tracking everything to measure progress against goals

See Balto in action, and understand how in-call compliance actually translates into improved outcomes, when you watch this portion of the webinar.

6 - Final Thoughts and Q&A - 47:19

Hear our panelists' closing thoughts, find out about upcoming industry events, and see their answers to audience questions as they wrap up the day's program.

Want to learn more about supporting TCPA compliance?  Check out our Compliance Resource Center where you'll find guides, webinars, ebooks, FAQs on compliance topics such as STIR/SHAKEN, TCPA, TSR, state regulations and more.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this page, and related links, is provided for general education purposes only and is not legal advice. Convoso does not guarantee the accuracy or appropriateness of this information to your situation. You are solely responsible for using Convoso’s services in a legally compliant way and should consult your legal counsel for compliance advice. Any quotes are solely the views of the quoted person and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Convoso.