Leadspedia-Convoso Integration discussion

Video: How the Leadspedia and Convoso integration helps customers increase revenue


Watch this lively discussion

about how Convoso customers can increase their ROI with the Leadspedia plug and play integration, featuring Convoso Co-founder and Chief Product Officer, Bobby Hakimi, and Vice President of Business Development at Leadspedia, Amanda Farris. [Convoso booth at Affiliate Summit West, Jan 2020]

“These two parts of the industry never really got integrated together… it’s a gamechanger for all of our customers. It really increases their ROI and it gives full visibility on where they should be focusing…This integration allows our mutual customers to figure out where their ROI is, and which agents, and which lists are performing the best. Using real time data going back and forth in the integration between Leadspedia and Convoso, we’re able to see what leads convert best, what lists convert best.” —Bobby Hakimi

“Having plug and play is a key thing. The ability to easily jump into your system [Convoso] and it ties into our system [Leadspedia] with drop down menus. You can tie it all together without having multiple system. Convoso and Leadspedia — it’s the perfect marriage of two softwares.” —Amanda Farris