Convoso Contact-Center-Compliance-News
FCC Seal_Convoso compliance news

In a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking adopted on August 7, the FCC has outlined new regulations aimed at bringing transparency to AI-driven communications and protecting consumers from potential fraud and scams coming from robocalls and robotexts. These proposed rules are the latest in a series of actions by the FCC to address the growing impact of AI in telecommunications.

Here’s what you need to know about the proposed rules:

Key Points

  • Defining AI-Generated Calls: The FCC proposes to define AI-generated calls and require that consumers are informed when AI technology is used in calls or texts.
  • Disclosure Requirements: Callers would need to disclose when AI-generated technology is in use. This disclosure would be mandatory both when obtaining prior express consent from consumers and during each call or text.
  • Protecting Positive AI Uses: The rules aim to safeguard AI applications that assist people with disabilities, ensuring these technologies remain accessible without violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

The new rules are intended to “provide consumers with an opportunity to identify and avoid those calls that contain an enhanced risk of fraud and other scams.”

The FCC is actively seeking public input for 30 days from August 7 to refine and finalize the proposed rules.

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