BuiltinLA Lisa Leight Aug 2020

    Built in LA - 9 LA Companies Are Hiring


    BuiltinLA interviews our VP of Marketing, Lisa Leight, about company culture, innovation, and professional growth.

    CRO and CMO of Convoso

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    Ready for your next challenge? These 9 LA companies are hiring

    by Madeline Hester

    BuiltinLA Aug 2020 - Lisa Leight Co CultureWhat do we mean we say “company culture”?  Company culture is not just for morale; it has a real impact on employee performance.  Nine professionals from nine hiring tech companies told us how company culture impacts their professional growth.


    Describe Convoso’s company culture in one word:

    “Innovative,” Head of Marketing Lisa Leight said.

    What “company culture” means at Convoso:

    “We’re a growing SaaS software company focused on the lead generation contact center market,” Leight said. “We are continually evolving our solutions to help our customers adapt and grow. That propensity to look for creative solutions is found across all departments. It really makes for a stimulating environment. One of our core values is to put customers first — that’s what drives our inspiration and perspective. Our focus on teamwork and individual initiative brings together our talents and creative thinking so we can achieve our goals.”

    What’s the coolest project you’ve worked on recently, and how did it help you grow professionally?

    “The coolest project so far is a new AI launch,” Leight said. “We’re really excited about our next-gen virtual agent interface that no other platform offers in our industry. We’re knee-deep in plans to take on the transition from engineering after their beta version is ready. I love being on the front lines of new developments that will make a big impact for our customers and for creating a new market.”

    Read the full article on BuiltIn LA