Convoso webinars

The next LeadsCouncil Leadership Series will feature operations experts who run high performing contact centers, as well as Convoso CEO Nima Hakimi.

Watch the teaser video for “The 2.0 Lead Generation Call Center.”

Special guests Kyle Andersson [Director of Operations, Digital Market Media] and Mike Velardi [SVP, Resource Marketing Group] will share strategies from their experiences with lead gen call centers that have really pushed the envelope in managing their call centers for efficiency and profitability.  They’ve each been managing remote agents long before the Coronavirus hit, and as a result have embraced key process for managing a work from home set up.

The webinar includes tips and practices for managing Agent Efficiency, Lead Efficiency and Manager Efficiency that apply whether you’re a virtual or office-based call center.

Key Takeaways:

– Actionable tips from 2 call center ops experts who’ve been managing WFH agents long before Covid-19 struck
– What this new world of virtual operations has taught us about maximizing Agent Efficiency (applies to virtual as well as office-based operations)
– Practices that maximize Lead Efficiency and Manager Efficiency to improve profitability
– How to best leverage KPIs and actionable reporting to drive improvement
– How to hire, onboard and train remote agents

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