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What is the Blocked Caller ID status and how to resolve it?

The Blocked Caller ID status is used on calls where the Caller ID was flagged by the telco carrier. Caller ID numbers can get flagged by either dialing repetitively at a high volume using the same Caller ID or through end-user reporting calls via third party applications.

By running the Status Report, we can determine the percentage of calls placed that were dispositioned as Blocked Caller ID. Our next step is to determine which Caller ID is getting most of these calls. We will need to run the Contact Rate report filtered by status: Blocked Caller ID. And also broken down by DID [Horizontal Break Down].

Running Contact Rate Report with these filters, let’s us see the DID/s that was used on calls that got dispositioned as Blocked Caller ID. Once we know which DIDs that got flagged, we can now go the Manage DID page and have these DIDs get replaced.

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